You can find the new website at If you want to continue to get updates when I post, you need to fill out the "Subscribe for blog updates" area and submit. If you'd like to receive my monthly newsletters with class dates, specials and events, then fill out the "Subscribe for monthly newsletter" area and submit. You must confirm the newsletter list when you receive the email. If you subscribe to my monthly newsletter, you will receive a link to a FREE tutorial as a thank you gift. My email list will also get occasional specials and offers, so you don't want to miss out on that.
This blog should remain open so if you want to look for older posts, there is a link on the new website for that.
I also have plans to add more videos to my youtube channel, so you can subscribe to that here to receive updates when a new video is posted. This will be the 850th post - woohoo! Can you believe it? Thanks so much and I'll see you at THANK YOU!!!